Microtexts convocatory winners

1st prize: (500 pesos + 1 buy order for Tras los pasos library)
That day the water came
by Portillo, Pablo M.

That day the water came, there was no rain, neither lightings or thunders; only the river that grows and never stopped. Progress anda better futura promisses has come with it, in exchange for our lands, our houses, our rivers, our forest, our fishes, our history.
Where they have put me, I cannot see the river, neither the fishes wich feed me once, not even the boats. Where they have put me, I only have the years, the memories, the progress and a better future promisses that never came true. Only came the water the never leaves.

2nd prize: (250 pesos + 1 buy order for Tras los pasos library)
Story 2
by Viento del sur 

Ferocious advance of asphalt and water. Covering all the boats, also covering the ancient roots that claims freedom. Banished must find new places to create their story and take root.

Now everything has been destroyed, a vague memory of their identity remains, impossible to identify the old locations.
The man dreams about water hyacinth, the river dreams about the fisherman, I dream about that shadow that I can not see anymore.
In el Brete I hear the echo of an old song ... but only the river waited for me ...

1st Mention:
by Ken Zaburo

He is watching the river. He is named as his father, Estanislao Duarte. He wears a straw hat with his left hand holding a fishing rod. It's nap time. The sun stings, its slanted rays falls on the river, from a cloudless sky. On the coast of San Ignacio old port, the forest is past: all is flat. The Paraná once ran free, but now disarmed in oxbows, still water reservoirs full of branches, the rotten legacy that the Yacyretá dam lefts . "Shit, nothing comes out anymore" Duarte curses.

2nd Mention:

They have normalized death
They made water 
our veins
They give as food dirt  
that grows on the rotting ground
Leaning against the coast
They give our children as bodies
Drowned, dragged
By a nature that responds
With progress flags
They bring them
And then they return them
as bodies
that shines below the Sun
On a huge lake
Almost with no name
Because nature

3rd Mention:
by  Edith Roswitha Meggle

A mosquito that transmits dengue and a mosquito that transmits leishmaniasis meet in still water sprue.
Says the first: "Poor us, people wants to eliminate us. They're fumigating houses, covering water containers, discarding useless objects such as cans, bottles, tires and cleaning water troughs and pipe bends." 
The other replied, "for us ilfe is impossible, they are putting mosquito repellent to dogs."
At this time a Yellow Fever  mosquito comes and says: "Don´t worry friends, soon we will have enough space to reproduce ... they are building mega-dams."

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